Recording Basic Animations

  • Ensure the write-lock switch is in the 'unlocked' position

  • Press the record button
    • The recordable trigger tracks will start flashing green

  • Press a number button to select the trigger track you'd like to record

  • Press the number buttons to record your animation in real-time. Each number button corresponds with the same numbered relay and pressing the button will cause the relay to close.

  • Press the record button again to finish the recording process.
    • If you'd like to include a cool-down / lock-out period after animation playback, simply wait a length of time before pressing the record button again to stop recording.

  • Press one of the trigger number buttons on the sending controller to start playback and test your animation. Or trigger it through one of the trigger inputs.

  • (optional) Slide the write-lock switch to the 'locked' position to prevent accidentally overwriting your animation.